What motivates us to go to the opera? 5 good reasons

The world of opera is one that should always be explored, researched, experienced. For those of us who are regulars, it seems almost habitual to go to the theater, and yet we are always looking for something that can amaze us, please us, inspire us, and, why not, strike the soul. We wondered, therefore, what […]
Exoticism in opera music

By exoticism is generally understood a cultural phenomenon that exalts and imitates certain forms and suggestions of distant countries. This movement has its roots far back in time, in fact since medieval times and thanks to the influence of the Byzantines a taste for oriental ornamental motifs reigned in Europe. The phenomenon then grew over […]
The beginner’s guide to operetta

An operetta falls somewhere between an opera and a musical – like a musical, an operetta (most often) contains spoken dialogue, as well as song. Operettas are often satirical and witty, and tend to be much shorter and less complex than traditional operas. Take a look at the best known operettas, and the composers behind […]
Goodbye to the great Renata Scotto

Renata Scotto is one of the most respected and accomplished sopranos in the history of opera. Her success story is marked by a long and illustrious career, filled with notable performances and achievements. Here are some key highlights of her success story: Early Training Renata Scotto began her musical education at an early age, studying […]
La bohème in pop culture

Being one of the most famous operas in the repertoire, it’s no surprise that Puccini’s La bohème has inspired musicals, films and even cartoons. Take a look at some of the most notable La bohème references in popular culture. There’s no better-known adaptation of La bohème, than that of the American Rock musical Rent, Jonathan […]
Why celebrate New Year’s Eve 2024 in Rome by listening to an Opera concert?

Rome perfectly blends art, culture, history and modernity, which is why it is the perfect place to celebrate New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve in Rome is not only a party, but also an immersion in Roman culture for a very special New Year’s Eve experience. As midnight approaches, the streets are filled with locals […]
Christmas vacation in Rome? Enjoy an opera concert

If you have planned a winter vacation in Rome, but have not yet made special plans for Christmas, a concert in the magnificent Teatro di Palazzo Santa Chiara is an unmissable opportunity. Featuring a collection of the most famous opera arias, performed by I solisti dell’opera opera di Roma. An Ensemble consisting of a String […]
La traviata in pop culture

What do Moulin Rouge, Pretty Woman and Verdi’s La traviata have in common? If you love one of them, you will probably like them all! Few people know that both Pretty Woman and Moulin Rouge were inspired by Verdi’s opera. Take a look at the similarities between the two films and see for yourself…. La […]
First time guide to opera

There is always a first time for everything. Do you want to surprise someone special? Or simply wish to embark on a journey into a new and exciting world of music? Buying tickets to go to the opera the first time can be the beginning of an unexpected passion. Everything revolving around opera can sometimes […]
Going to the Opera in Rome: things to know if you are a tourist

Rome, founded 3,000 years ago on April 21 in the year 753 B.C., exudes history from every corner of the city. Every street has a story to tell about the greatness of the Roman Empire, the magnificence of the city of the popes. And in the 16th and 17th centuries Rome was also a hub […]