About opera

Verdi’s Macbeth: “The opera without a love affair!”
Macbeth is an opera in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi, with an Italian libretto by Francesco Maria Piave and additions

Christmas operas: Surveying trends throughout history
Our homes and streets are once again decorated for the most engaging holiday of the year: Christmas. There are many

Joan Sutherland: The leading coloratura soprano of the 20th century
Joan Sutherland (born November 7, 1926, Sydney, Australia – died October 10, 2010, Les Avants, Switzerland), was considered the leading

The Three Donizetti Queens: Anne Boleyn, Mary Stuart and Roberto Devereux
In the first half of the 19th century, Italy was a divided country, and it’s not a surprise that English

The Querelle des Bouffons: The controversy beetween French and Italian opera
The Querelle des Bouffons (also known as the War of the Comic Actors) was the name given to a battle

The myth of Orpheus in the opera
Orpheus was a legendary Greek musician and poet whose songs could charm gods and wild beasts, trees and rocks. The